Monday, October 24, 2011


I really like my picture going up a street sign, and also because the street sign is abnormal (it's very bent and twisted). I also like my brick one, where it is shooting sideways down a horizontal brick wall, but it could have been sharper.


 I took an image similar to this with a park bench, and I really like how the parallel lines get narrower as they get farther away.
 I like that this photographer included the ENTIRE line, (the trail/bridge, and the trail on the mountain) and I like the depth change as it gets farther away from you. I also like that they included the sky.
 I like how this picture is at an angle, and I love the sky in this picture, along with the lines on the structure, which frame the subject.
 I like the texture and height the photographer took this picture at.
I like the lines intersecting the rainbow, and the houses, using the RULE OF THIRDS.

Friday, October 21, 2011


I like my shallow depth of field picture (glass apple) much more than my long depth (mirror image lake). I really like the idea of having ONE subject in a picture, and the rest a blur. Mainly, the only type of long depth of field pictures I like are of nature, or scenic views, like mountains or trees, something that gives you a lot to take in. I can definitely improve my depth of field pictures, though. I can get very close to the subject, and when I'm far away, make sure to focus and see what I want in my picture.


SHALLOW Depth of Field:

 Depth of field is very shallow. Therefore they used a large aperture. The photographer is very close to their subject.
 This is also a shallow depth of field, because it is focused on the thing closest to you, the thumb, and not the face. This also had a large aperture because of that. Pretty close to the subject of the picture, but not right next to it.
This isn't the shallowest depth of field you can get, because his face is still pretty visible, just a little softer than his foot, but because the main focus is on his foot, is is a shallow depth of field, and uses a large aperture. Very close to subject (shoe).


 Sharp background, long depth of field. Small aperture. Big distance.
 Background is really sharp, which means it has a long depth of field. Small aperture, great distance to see all the mountains, probably a wide lens too. Small aperture.

 Pretty sharp background, long depth of field. Small aperture, very far distance.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

7. STOP ACTION/MOTION BLUR, what I think of mine.

The stop action/motion blur roll was probably my least favorite roll, not because it wasn't interesting, but because I wasn't very experienced with the right shutter speeds to use. My blur was a little too blurred because I didn't pan, and my stop action could have been better, but I liked stop action more because I got cool pictures, like the one I took of soccer, with people running and the ball high in the air. I will keep trying to improve my techniques on motion throughout this semester.

Monday, October 3, 2011

"Dying To Tell The Story"

This was a really inspiring and emotional movie. It really made me think about why people are born, just to die. It was amazing that the sister took the time to talk and travel with a huge variety of photographers and her brother's acquaintances. The pictures he took affected me in the same way they affected him, they stayed in my head, and repulsed me. But I agree with what he stood for. Pictures can mean a whole lot if you take them right. They can tell a story, sing a song.